
Kids are surprisingly candid about their feelings about puberty. 

They also have strong feelings about how they want their parents to handle it.  (Spoiler alert: bring it up, but don’t force things).

I asked my 6th grade class what they wanted me to tell their parents about puberty and growing up

Here are their answers

“Dear parents,

Don’t be afraid to talk to your kids.  Puberty is a hard time forth and having you by their side is the best support they have 🙂

-6th grader”

"Try to be understanding"

"Be empathetic please"

"understand kids"

"Parents please know that it is hard to talk about this topic with you"

General knoweledge
22sometimesyoufeelridiculous0abecauseyougetallover0aemotionalaboutsomething0aandwhenadultstalk0aabou-default (1)

"When it is time to talk about the birds and the bees please approach your child instead of waiting for your child to approach you"

"Try to think back to what it was like as a kid going through puberty"

"Don’t force the talk, think about us in this scenario"

"Tell my parents:

  • To not freak out if I ask to talk about this.
  • To be open about this when I ask"

"Be open to questions, but don’t push facts or information"

"I like someone, and I don't want them to know"

Need more?

Contact me if you need support talking with your about puberty or sexuality