Let's talk about Pubery for a second...

What is Puberty?
Puberty is the word for the time when a human changes from being a kid in a kid’s body to an adult in an adult’s body. Moving from being a kid to an adult is a process that doesn’t happen all at once. In fact, in humans it can take four to seven years for all the physical changes of puberty to happen. The emotional and physiological changes take even longer.
“Ugh do we HAVE to talk about this?”
Almost every time I teach a puberty class I get a version of this question, “why do we have to do this?” I get it. Some kids find this topic embarrassing and when kids are talking about something embarrassing they can get silly. It can be a little, ok, fine, a lot, uncomfortable to talk about bodies and changes.

So why do kids need to know about puberty?
Kids have a human right to know about how their body works and to know how it will change. Do you know the term human right? It means rights you have just for being born human. You don’t have to earn these rights–you just have them. You have a right to know all of this.
It is good to know what to expect
It helps to know what to expect when it comes to puberty. That way you aren’t surprised and scared as your body changes. If adults don’t tell kids what to expect, they can think there is something really wrong with them as their body changes. Remember, it is the grown-ups job to tell you this stuff so when you begin to experience puberty you are not scared, but instead think, “Oh, cool, I am growing up and getting an adult body.”

Talking keeps us from feelng ashamed
Sometimes when adults don’t tell kids about puberty those kids feel ashamed (which means guilty or embarrassed) of their bodies as they change. Kids sometimes think, “something is changing, but no one is talking about it, so it must be bad and secret.” That couldn’t be further from the truth. Your body is supposed to change. Those changes are amazing and cool and help you become an adult. I want you to feel proud and excited, not ashamed and scared.
Good Pleaces to Learn About Puberty
The Puberty Portal
The “puberty portal” has lots of articles on the changes of puberty and coping strategies.
Fabulous videos that cover all sorts of topics from puberty to more adult stuff. It is funny and tells the truth.
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