Are you looking for some answers about puberty, sexuality, and relationships?

Be careful about where you look for answers
Before you google that question, here are a few things to think about when looking for health (especially sexual health) information on the internet:
1. Who is sponsoring this site? What is their goal? What is their reputation? Are they a known and respected organization?
2. Is it up-to-date? Does it tell you when the information was revised? For most sexual health issues the site should have been revised within the past couple years.
3. Does it tell you who reviewed it? (Good ones show their expert reviewers' names and credentials.)
4. Is the website trying to sell you something? Lots of "health" sites are actually trying to see you a product.
5. Be aware of explicit material that may come up in your search. The internet is full of images the videos that may make you uncomfortable. If you run across something that makes you uncomfortable, please go talk to a trusted adult about it.

A few good and safe websites to try:
This site has non-judgmental, accurate, and reliable sexual and reproductive health information and resources. If you live in California, it also tells you where you can get confidential sexual and reproductive health care.
Sex, Etc.
Sex, Etc. is a comprehensive sexuality education website for teens 13- to 19-years old, and my students love it. Written by young people, Sex etc., has a diverse range of articles related to health, sex, and relationships.
Kids Health
Questions about puberty? Or just want to brush up on your anatomy? This site is great for all those body questions. It is targeted at slightly younger folks, but it is a great place to get basic information about bodies and puberty

My Students thoughts on these websites:
Teen Source:
"I liked that they acknowledged that sometimes these conversations are uncomfortable, and they recommended some sentence starters."
Sex, Etc.
"I liked how it was written by young people and had a broad range of topics."
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